miss_elizabeth replied to the topic new tattoos! in the forum Post your work here 14 years ago
Thanks for the positive responses. Keep checking out my page, new pics weekly.
miss_elizabeth replied to the topic splattering ink shakey lines in the forum Apprentice Folly 14 years ago
When you say bend the needle, how much and at what point?
I am also having problems with way too much ink coming out of the tube at once, I was just practicing on some pig skin for the first time and I was using a 7liner in a 5 disposable tube (the girl I am apprenticing under said 5 tubes fit both 5 and 7 liners, is this right?)
My power supply…[
miss_elizabeth replied to the topic starter kits in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
Thanks for all the honest replies, I was kinda expecting a thrashing like I would receive in any other tattoo forums. I know “kit” is a dirty word.
I will be ordering it tonight. (and my book) -
miss_elizabeth replied to the topic Worst introduction to tattooing! in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 14 years ago
I wasn’t going to go alone initially, but it was only a few blocks from my boyfriends work, and I gave him the address before I left just in case.
The coke head was a really nice guy, just filthy and waaay drugged up. I will definately be more cautious in the future though.And I am going to get that book, I read a few pages on amazon and its not…[Read more]
miss_elizabeth replied to the topic Japanese Theme Tattoo Designs in the forum Original Flash 14 years ago
Koi fish with pearl original flash
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