Forum Replies Created
March 10, 2009 at 1:36 pm #15999
Memberi would agree that the frame is just the frame and not the machine itself but nor is just the coils or just the springs and so on all the pieces put together make a machine and from what you posted you had stripped your superior machine down to the frame and replaced everything else pretty much you seem to not know a lot about tattooing in general when you quote bs from other people and talk of covering ps with barrier film and many other things on this site i have read and just why do you make post asking questions under one screen name and then make post in the same thread under another ? along with you claiming this to be a site promoting getting an apprenticeship versus tattooing out of your home but you also make statements in the same quote to use plastic tubes when if you are getting a traditional apprenticeship there mentor would show them the right way to use a autoclave to sterilize metal tubes and tips which are far better imo also you fail to realize that many professional tattooist tattoo at there homes and other peoples homes as well as there shop its all in the way you do your prep work that would make the tattoo area unsafe to tattoo in with out good prep work even a shop is a bad place to tattoo in and a shop is no different than a house unless owning one gives you some kinda magical automatic sterilizing power. tattooing without a license anywhere is illegal because you have to prove not that you know how to tattoo but you know how to sterilize and that you know about bbp and cc and i have seen a lot of shop that dont know much how to tattoo nor about how to properly sterilize and i have seen a lot of people who work from home that care more for the art than anyone you will find in a shop any ways thats my rant for the board
March 6, 2009 at 12:22 am #15976
Memberyou should have everything you need to do a tattoo already laid out before starting a tattoo including more than enough ink to do the tattoo with if you dont think you will have enough of a color to finish in one cap make two or three of that color adding more ink to an ink cap can cause cross contamination as for the power supply you shouldnt need to adjust it during a tattoo as you should already have your machines set up before you even begin and for barrier wrapping a power supply i don think that would work as it needs air flow to keep the internal components cool or you will likely burn it up thus keeping you from finishing the tattoo
you should always change gloves when you touch anything that isnt your machine, nalgene bottle, that isnt barrier protected, or the area being tattooed
as for you pre tattoo prep you should wipe everything in your work area with cavicide or some other kind of disinfectant but plastic wrap on arms of chairs and where the area to be tattooed will be resting, across your work bench, and on your light vasoline should pulled out of jar with single use tongue depressor or something of the like just as long as its single use and laid on your plastic wrapped work bench, ink caps should be filled with enough ink to finish the tattoo with and sat on plastic wrapped work bench i suggest putting a small amount of the vasoline you pulled out on the under side of them so they dont tip over or use never use a ink cap holder unless you have access to an autoclave, machines should have machine bags or sandwich bags over with a new nipple and new set over rubber bands put on, them clip cords should have clip cord covers, nalgene bottles should be wrapped in plastic, paper towels should be laid out on you r plastic wrapped work bench, new needles and tubes of what ever sizes/types you will be using should be laid out on you work bench the tubes should be plastic disposables unless you have access to an autoclave and new needles and needle bars should be used every time no matter what and when changing needle/tubes you should change gloves before you even touch the new ones your about to put on im pretty sure i covered everthing and if i missed something im sure someone will say something but these are all things one needs to do to prevent cross contamination i would also suggest getting in touch with the red cross and take some classes on cc and bbp also call around to local shops and ask if any would be willing to autoclave your machines for you cause this needs to be done too might cost you a small fee but you will prevent spreading infectious diseases and gain respect from your peers
as for a supply list these are things you should have before attempting to tattoo
Machines – You will want to order at least 2 machines, one for lines and another for shading.
Power supply – You will only need a small, basic power supply to get started.
Foot Pedal and Cord – Round foot switch with phono plug. Don’t even bother with the scissor action foot pedal they are crappy and break easily. The round foot pedals are heavy and can be pressed from any angle.
Standard spring clip cord
Needles – All are single-use, disposable Needles:
Make sure to get pre-made, pre-sterilized on the bar needles 25 of each should keep you busy for a while
Tubes- All are single-use, disposable tubes:
at least a 10x eye loop
Rubber Nipples – typically 100 packs
Inks – Depending on your degree of commitment, you can choose a sampler set, or just individual colors. Moms, starbrite and millennium color all perform well. Kuri-sumi for black and gray wash
Ink Caps – Size #9 and #12 ink caps (100pk each)
Transfer paper – 8.5 x 11 spirit masters paper
Sharps container – NEVER throw needles in the trash.
surface disinfectant/decontaminent cleaner such as CaviCide or Viralex(for area clean-up)
1 gal bottle of green soap
Plastic cord coverSupplies you can purchase locally:
good magnifier workbench lamp
Powder free neoprene gloves(some people are alergic to latex)
A&D ointment or Vaseline 16oz jar
Two nalgene bottles
Rubber bands Size 12. They are 1 3/4″ X 1/16″ (4.4cm X0.2cm). No other size will work as well
Plastic wrap
Sandwich bags non zipper
Scotch tape
Rubbing alcohol
Paper or Styrofoam cups
Paper towels softer the better for wiping.
Rolling chair or stool with adjustable height
Massage table with vinyl non-porous work top that can be easily cleaned.
Chair with vinyl arm rest for client to be worked on.
Dry lock pads for bandages and work area.sorry for the long post but its needed info
March 5, 2009 at 11:25 pm #15996
Memberthere are no bad machines out there when your talking about just the frame which is basicaly what you striped your light weight down to but everyone has there personal choices on machines cause no two people set there machines up the same and no two people tattoo in the same manner everyone has there own style
in order to buy anything from kingpin you have to have a shop license and most who are on this board and that use disposable tubes are not licensed i would recommend a site like technical international supply they have 1″ grip disposable tubes there and are of a good quality plus there fairly inexpensive -
March 5, 2009 at 11:16 pm #16122
Member3m is by far the best but thermofax machines are expensive looking around a grand U.S. for a used one
thermofax machines are not scanners or copiers you have to trace your stencil onto tracing paper still bit instead of going back over it again to apply the purple paper to the opposite side you run it through the thermofax and it heats the purple up bonding it to the tracing paper but only where there are drawn lines it makes a nice and crisp transfer
dot-matrix printers are ok there a step up from doing it by hand and only cost around 40 U.S. but the problem with those are you have to have a line drawing of whatever you are trying to make a stencil of plus you have to play around with it to make sure your printing the image at the correct size you want it to be -
March 5, 2009 at 11:07 pm #16036
Membernalgene bottles should always be used to best prevent cross contamination
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