josh mcbride replied to the topic stencil on fake skin in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
Tried Spirit stencil transfer cream first l. That didn’t work at all. Even tried just applying a stencil to my leg to see if it was just because of the skin and still no luck. Then I tried a water and green soap mix then a woter and alcohol mix. Only thing that seems to work is deodorant and even still it wipes away.
josh mcbride started the topic stencil on fake skin in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
So I know fake skin isn’t the way to go, but I’m using it to practice lines. Anyways I got my stencil in and I’m all set to go. I get my first line in and wipe it away and half my stencil gets wiped away with it. What do I do?
josh mcbride joined the group Tattoo Apprentice 9 years, 10 months ago