Red Spider replied to the topic My latest piece in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
@Nightliner wrote:
Just thought I’d mention that you can’t shade with a gun.
That’s right,we don’t tattoo with firearms.Rule #1 for learning how to be a professional tattoo artist,is NEVER,NEVER,EVER call the tattoo machines a ‘gun’.We don’t rob banks or shoot people with them.When you are looking for a job in a shop and you refer to your machine…[Read more]
Red Spider replied to the topic HOWDY!!! in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 16 years ago
I visit lots of sites.specify.
Red Spider replied to the topic How to get an apprenticeship? in the forum Apprentice Folly 16 years ago
@Sandra wrote:
Thanks. Is there anything that you would recommended do I need an apprenticeship in Montana. I would really prefer to get an apprenticeship somewhere. How much does an apprenticeship cost? What are the Montana laws for this? I am having problems finding the laws for starting a Montana tattoo parlor. Does anyone know what they…
Red Spider replied to the topic Qualification and training? in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 16 years ago
You need that piece of paper in many states now,and ironically enough,very few,if any,require an ability to tattoo to get it.
Red Spider replied to the topic I want an apprenticship? in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 16 years ago
@quote wrote:
I want an apprenticeship in my town, I’ve got no portfoilio, I can bearly draw a stick figure, I inked a few mates with some shi’ite tribal, I don’t want to travle so it has to be my one and only local studio where I’m gonna be apprenticing…
so tell me, when I fail, who’s giving me my money back?
If you have no artistic…[Read more]
Red Spider replied to the topic HOWDY!!! in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 16 years ago
@sugar wrote:
Hello. I really appreciate that you’re on this forum, there’s a lot experienced tattoo artists that keep their lip buttoned while kids are scratching each other up with guitar strings.
I would too,but thanks to the internet,the cat’s out of the bag now.There are no more trade secrets like there used to be.As it should be.There’s no…[Read more]
Red Spider replied to the topic tattoo machines in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 16 years ago
Red Spider replied to the topic Whats the difference? in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 16 years ago
Prizm has a few decent colors,but not many.Most likely,the problem here is that you don’t know what you’re doing.I don’t mean that in a mean way,just stating a fact.Without seeing a picture of the tattoo,it’s hard to say what you’re doing wrong,even harder to say without watching you work.
Red Spider replied to the topic Making grey wash in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 16 years ago
I use alcohol,just put three to five drops of black in an ink cap,fill it with alcohol,stir with a toothpick,there’s your greywash.
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