RogerRockit replied to the topic Tattoo Machine Kits in the forum Best Tattoo Machines 12 years ago
I bought the Grinder kit myself. Decent enough for the money to get you started practicing, and gives you a starting point on what you’ll eventually need. I had read the book already (Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo) but still wasn’t sure where to start, so I bought the kit, learned the machines, and have been practicing on fruits and…[Read more]
RogerRockit replied to the topic Best tattoo starting kit? in the forum Best Tattoo Machines 12 years ago
I know this is an old topic, but since it’s been brought back up (and it’s new to me), here’s my .02 cents.
This site, to my knowledge, is a companion to the book, “Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo.” That is where to start, read the book. In it, you will find the author (I suspect the admin who posted earlier) admits that many tattoo artists…[Read more]
RogerRockit replied to the topic Check out my portfolio and let me know what you think in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@LunaInk wrote:
Before I do go and spend a lot I want a unbiased opinion on whether or not I should continue tattooing.
Yes! First of all, you have the bug already, you’re not going to stop at this point. Second, I see a lot of great work in that gallery! If you’re getting those results with cheaper equipment, you’ve got what it takes to continue.
RogerRockit replied to the topic Having a big problem!!! in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
@sirscratchalot wrote:
now converted to rottary swash drive whip, lighter, minimal vibration and no problem!
Nice. I’ve switched to rotary myself, currently learning on a pretty cheap version (similar to the Stealth), but my next machine purchase will be a Swashdrive Whip.
RogerRockit replied to the topic ain't much but an idea in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
I like the realistic heart and tattered ribbon. Nice design.
RogerRockit replied to the topic New Schoolish in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
I like new school. I’m not real good at shading yet, you however did quite well with this. Nice job.
RogerRockit replied to the topic a total novice, from Sweden in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 12 years ago
Welcome, Cath. You come from a part of the world that I highly respect and would love to visit someday. I am in the same boat as you, I work 50+ hours/week and have a son with special needs, doing a full-time apprenticeship is probably something I will never be able to do. So, like you, I am doing as much home research and practice as I safely…[Read more]
RogerRockit replied to the topic Working on Practice Skins….. in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
Yeah, I’m not a fan of the practice skins so far. I’m using them only for line work practice. Also been practicing on honeydew melons.
RogerRockit replied to the topic Having a big problem!!! in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
I’ve noticed the same thing. In my case, I work by day in a factory, using large pneumatic guns, working overhead. So I probably do have a touch of carpal tunnel, but not severe enough for surgery. Stretch often, use a larger grip, and in my case, I’m giving rotaries a try to reduce weight and vibration.
RogerRockit replied to the topic Line work finished … Keep in mind most of these arent done in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@robroy289 wrote:
Thanks everybody!!!! Like the feedback!!
Heh. I’m far from an expert, but I like what I’m seeing here. Gives me something to aspire to as a beginner.
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