KitchenWizard replied to the topic more b&g practice in the forum Post your work here 14 years ago
@rpaynejr1279 wrote:
282042_113844415378934_100002601297497_103296_1418500_n.jpggot some more shading practice, its so great to have family willing to donate skin. :D :D
Awesome :D
KitchenWizard replied to the topic advice for color packing and blending thanx in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 14 years ago
@rpaynejr1279 wrote:
Ive been working with about a nickels gap between contacts, at about 7 volts, and use curved mags for bigger areas, and rounds for tight spots ,i have mob irons machines which work pretty good, im sure i just need more education and definitely will try ur suggestions thanx so much. :D
No worries, glad to be of help :) I’d just…[Read more]
KitchenWizard replied to the topic advice for color packing and blending thanx in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 14 years ago
@rpaynejr1279 wrote:
:D hello, my names Rob, Ive been tattooing close to a year learning on my own and been doing quite well, but ive been struggling with laying in solid color and blending, seems like it takes forever perhaps machines not set up properly for coloring, maybe bad choice of mag, or lack of technique, i use skin candy pigments and i…
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