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    • #38431
      Ember K

      Something that I learned working with practice skin is to work from right to left and bottom to top this preserves the stencil for the most part. I also found that Stencil stay does wonders. Also I use adult coloring books to practice line work, mandalas, and lots of patterns tight lines and lots of time.

    • #38193
      Ember K

      I am interested in learned them because if I can learn and master the technique then I can give that information to my clients because some people want a traditional tattoo and if I can show and create something that echos that it will make me a stronger artist.

    • #38140
      Ember K

      Thank You! In all of my searching on google the only thing definate i found was on traditional tattoos, color palette is blue, green, yellow and red, with thick black or blue outlines and nautical themes.

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