sioneproduktions replied to the topic Color blending and shading in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
its possible to do a tattoo with zero black. so u need to create tonal changes with multiple colors. i mix ink in the tube to achieve this, or use contrasting colors to create depth.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Shading techniques in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
i get decent results ustilizing a mickey sharpz iron dial, 7 – 15 mags , rounded is good, but flats work just as well, kuro sumi ink, and a couple premixed lighter shades, and a couple cups of water. and then theres the tech, technique is something u have to learn on your own, everyone does shit a little different.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Tattoo Skins in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
contact a slaughterer. let him know what you intend to do with it, and get him to cut off some belly skin. you can get a pretty huge piece. he’ll let u know when he’s killing another pig, and where he’s taking it to. you can buy the skin off him. ive gotten em for free that way.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic How to get an apprenticeship? in the forum Apprentice Folly 16 years ago
so you live in Mon-Tucky, and without much of a clue about tattooing, you’ve procured an autoclave? why? aside from the $1500 refurbished to $3000 new model expense….
sioneproduktions replied to the topic to painful?? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
maybe all your previous tattoos were done by professionals, or it could be that all your other pieces are in ‘easy to get att places’ and the one your brother did is in an ultra painfull area.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic please some help required in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 16 years ago
whats an air- gap? is that like gauges in your ear…
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Stupid question….. in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 16 years ago
does it spit ink? if so then turn it down, if its just dribbling out or making blobs slowly then i would’nt worry about it. i get ink all over my middle finger from that slow drool of ink.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Making grey wash in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 16 years ago
for grey wash inks, i would use a normal black, not a triple, or tribal black. Kuro Sumi is the shit, i’ve had good results with Moms onyx black as well. If you want a pre mix bottle, then pour 1/2 a bottle of ink, and then use distilled h2o, then make another with a 1/4 ink 3/4 h20, for your lighter tones. Using alcohol or water depends on what…[Read more]
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Making grey wash in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 16 years ago
u know that eternal and intenze are made by the same people right….
sioneproduktions replied to the topic building real machines in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 16 years ago
theres abook by the grimm brothers i think
sioneproduktions replied to the topic What questions should Apprentice as the Tattoist? in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 16 years ago
i started my apprenticeship at 26 with an infant daughter. i had to endure a year and a half of minimal income, but 12 hour days 7 days a week. i was fortunate that my mentor did not like sticking his fingers into other peoples nostrils and mouths, so he taught me to pierce about 3 months into it. all i got to tattoo was small, basic, solid black…[Read more]
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Koi and Dragons in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
oh, if you were tattooing that piece, the general consenses of the procedure is to work from dark to light colors…
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Koi and Dragons in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 16 years ago
thats a great tutorial, however if you can drAW like that in photoshop, you could draw that piece with markers on skin in about 5 minutes. so theres no point in designing it, and cutting a stencil… save yourself an hour…
sioneproduktions replied to the topic so heres my favorite coy fish iv done in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
how big is it and where on the body, what type of ink, needle groupings did you use?
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Paul Booth flash piece in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
looks a little washed out
sioneproduktions replied to the topic blacklight ink in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
whut brand u using
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Squeeze Bottles in the forum Barrier Protection Advancements / Medical Supplies 16 years ago
never use spray bottles. u cross contaminate all over the place. u can score sum great squirt bottles from hair salon supply stores as well
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Machine Bags in the forum Barrier Protection Advancements / Medical Supplies 16 years ago
i like to cut a small slit in my bag before putting it on, this prevents any small amount of material being trapped in the tube tip or getting ensnared in the needle grouping.
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Clip Cord covers in the forum Barrier Protection Advancements / Medical Supplies 16 years ago
mmm yeah
sioneproduktions replied to the topic Thermal stencil makers in the forum Future of Tattoo and Beyond 16 years ago
i prefer hand making stencils and drawing directly on the skin. thermofax’s have a tendency of making shitty stencils, the tissue like paper sucks and if you get it a little too wet theyre fuct. if its someplace that alot of people use it, they will fuck it up by trying to adjust it all the time. ive wathced those things destroy entire sheets of…[Read more]
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