SparkEater72 replied to the topic BUT it's hard to get an apprenticeship in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
… on we go.
The whole point of these posts is to give an idea of how to make ‘that’ connection with a potential mentor. None of it is ‘easy’ and it’s not going to happen overnight. It could take years. This is part of it. Tattooers live and work in a closed community. Even though it’s easier now than it ever has been to become a tattooer……[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic NO SCRATCHERS!!! in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 11 years ago
The difference between a scratcher and a potential tattoo artist is the scope of their work.
Yes, plenty of professional tattoo artists started in their kitchens… and hacked their way to experience… to develop a solid portfolio. While many try this… few are successful at it (Few in comparison the numbers… in the thousands… that try)
If…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic for licenced artist in texas in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 11 years ago
I’ve worked in the eastern part of Texas. Harrison County.
Out there the shop was licensed and the tattooers worked under the umbrella of the shop’s license.
I live in a heavily regulated metropolitan area and understand that Austin, Houston, Dallas/FT worth/Arlington, San Antonio…etc. might be similar.
In this case you may have to have…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic how do i keep that stencil on good and tight in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 11 years ago
Don’t overfill your tube/tip.
Tattooers that run their points out from the tip are working on their knowledge of where their points are in relation to depth in-the-skin. This takes practice and experience… but I recommend it for everyone. Working off-the-tip (needles stick out just enough and run the tip to the surface of the skin) hides the…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic So i finally did it.. my first flesh tattoo in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Those first-time jitters are wonderful aren’t they? I almost wish I could remember what that felt like.
I think it’s a good selection for your first… the lack of straight lines (at least, long straight lines) works in your favor when you have the rookie shakes. The lines are definitely in there.
It does look like you went deep or slow on some…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Tattoo business in the forum General Questions About Tattooing Safe 11 years ago
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Spider you made me laugh, man.
Yeah… shop drama. The one side of the ‘business’ that is a killer.
Nothing like some artist’s ‘chic’ hounding the shop because she thinks he’s cheating.
Or egos among artists on staff starting shit with each other.
If I ever open a studio I’ll work alone and wife can run it. If any of the…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic studio in the house in the forum Future of Tattoo and Beyond 11 years ago
If you’re reading this and you’re in the U.S. Keep in mind that tattooing is regulated in all areas. One of these regulations is that you can not tattoo from a residence. Period. Ever.
Now… I’m not saying that you can’t tattoo from a home studio. I’m telling you what the regulations are. Different areas have different punishments if you get…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic BUT it's hard to get an apprenticeship in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
Okay… picking up where we left off.
Cold calls don’t work.
Cold calls with a portfolio are barely better.
There’s no connection… no relationship with the people in the studio. A cold call is a one a time thing. You come and you go or maybe you get sent on your way.
A tattoo studio is a business and much of the time the people you are…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Hour price? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
that was kind of off-topic and I was involved in a conversation about this topic this morning when discussing plans for a new studio with an old co-worker.
A large factor in the price of a tattoo is overhead. This is the cost of gear (and I’m sure Spider can attest) PLUS what it costs to run the studio: Rent, Insurance, Lights, Heat, Water (in…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Hour price? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
You should see them here. :lol:
I love my country, but if I were to show up in Denmark, I’d be bringing my AR15, my .45 and my Remington 870. I’ve dealt with bikers before… and gang bangers… and neo-Nazis and KKK types… it kinda goes with the whole tattoo thing and sadly… it always will to one degree or another. I’m a peaceful guy until…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic So far done in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
All right… you asked for it. :D
Your work has much improved since you started posting here.
On your last piece I have to say that your progress is amazing. As far as composition I like the piece except that I might have moved the rose down a bit… perhaps beneath the trigger guard on the pistol, even with the background the tattoo is…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Hour price? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Lenn, I’ve read many posts by you on here… and I’ve seen your art as well as your tattoos.
Your artwork, for the most part is above par and better than some of the other cats you pal around with.
I’m really not shouting ‘stop tattooing’… I’m shouting STOP GIVING ADVICE. You know you have a lot to learn and you know just enough to get you…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Bullshit Advice in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Must be. If you’re referring to who I’m not.
SparkEater72 replied to the topic for you more experenced tattooers in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
This has become more of a problem since the airing of Miami Ink and all those other shows. Some clients now think that because they’ve seen a few episodes that they know more than we do about something we eat, live and breathe (and study and all that happy stuff).
I’m not sure exactly what situation your question pertains to.
Is it a matter of…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Some of my work in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
dude go fuck yourself while suck-starting a claymore mine.
SparkEater72 replied to the topic Hour price? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
I’m not out to offend Lenn, or Infamous… y’all seem like really good guys.
BUT, based on some of the work I’ve seen I think you should be grateful people are letting you tattoo them. Charge the supplies and let them know a tip is appreciated.
I know things are different in Denmark and maybe Lenn is performing as well as a good tattooer over…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic LAME TATTOOES in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Memorial tattoos, especially memorial tattoos for kids or babies.
I’ve no problem with the artwork or honoring a deceased loved one, but I’m not equipped to deal with the story and emotion of the client. I’m not one to offer platitudes and bullshit to pretend I understand how they feel… I have no idea. Even if I do feel for them, I can’t tell…[Read more]
SparkEater72 replied to the topic 2 seth ciferri machines for sale workhorse irons in the forum For Sale by Owner 11 years ago
Sorry, man, too steep for me with the relocation less than 3 weeks away.
Good luck moving them. I hope they find a good home.
SparkEater72 replied to the topic What to do when… in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 11 years ago
You’re doing it wrong. Don’t ever ‘cold call’ a studio looking for an apprenticeship. While you might be a badass artist and a snappy dresser there have been dozens of asshats there before you asking the same question.
SparkEater72 replied to the topic 2 seth ciferri machines for sale workhorse irons in the forum For Sale by Owner 11 years ago
cost? pics?
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