stu changed their profile picture 9 years ago
stu replied to the topic Feedback in the forum Post your work here 9 years ago
hi your work isnt to bad but no practice skin is trash… it works for line work but thats about it. try using pig skin if you can get it just ask your local meat market if they have any or can get any… and i may be cheaper then the practice skin.
stu replied to the topic Trouble with magnums in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 9 years ago
hi ventus,
first those practice skins are worthless the do not react like skin. try using fruit like grapefruit and oranges or bananas they will help you see how deep your going… plastic doesn’t bleed.
but to load a mag is simple. the only needles i use are 5rl 11rs 9mag and 15mag BTW. i load mine down my tubes needles first. some amazon crap…[Read more]