• I prefer to use an oring as it just sounds smoother but taking it off drops it by about a volt on my liner I reduced some of the spring tension on all three and got the loaded voltage down considerably so im going to order some thinner rear springs and as far as the caps go I was considering going to a 47 on my shader and a 33 on my packer my…[Read more]

  • thesandman54r replied to the topic Raidiant ink in the forum Pigment v. Ink 11 years ago

    I have fallen in love with radiant ink got it in a kit from Hildbrandt and decided to try it goes in so much easier than moms

  • thesandman54r replied to the topic Finger tattoo in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago

    try Irezumi or Kuro Sumi ink they will stay better than say starbrite never had any luck with starbrite near the hands. could also try talens or pelikan but some say they have shellac in them

  • thesandman54r replied to the topic ink sterilization? in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 11 years ago

    the only kit ink i would use on skin is Radiant. if it is chinese or scream throw it away buy eternal waverly starbrite moms dynamic kuro sumi voodoo Irezumi ane get them from a reputable dealer or from the manufacturer if possible Intenze has been having a problem with people putting their labels on scream ink bottles so be careful most reputable…[Read more]

  • I know the feeling scratcher Im in the same boat aside form the fact that my first tattoo was done about three years ago in a shop under an artist. We had a falling out and i was on my own I will give you this advice dont buy anything on ebay especially needles and tubes unless it is fron technical international tattoo and try out the machines…[Read more]

  • I agree with Nightmare but examine the throw on your liner make sure you can fit a dime between the contact screw and front spring as well as between the top of the coils and the armature bar. slow down your hand speed , make sure you are getting a good stretch on the skin, keep your tip at an angle into the skin and dont use too much vaseline or a&d

  • thesandman54r replied to the topic line work in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 11 years ago

    I agree larger needle grouping is more forgiving but also remember whether you are using a round or diamond tube make sure you are not pulling the needle away from the back of the tube because the tip and rubber bands guide the needle if you lift the needle off the back of the tube it will try to return to its resting place and cause you to get a…[Read more]

  • As always pleasure to meet you 8-)

  • thesandman54r replied to the topic infection in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago

    I have heard neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment and aloe would dull or pull out color. I always tell em to put a very thin layer of a&d one to three times a day leave it on no more than 15 mins and wash it off for the first three days after three days use cocoa butter or a fragrance free lotion until healed. if you keep the ointment on more…[Read more]

  • I love my hildebrandt machines I have the .44 magnum liner the .38 caliber color packer and .444 marlin soft shader no problems so far. I would recommend them to anyone even as a backup to their sharpz or fowler

  • @robroy289 wrote:


    My feelings exactly and they take the warranty seriously. customer service is wonderful. Find them at
    also if you are looking at disposable tubes try the freeflow tubes from that site

  • Chinese knockoff machines may run but smoothly no and as far as your armature bar being aluminum NO aluminum is non ferrous and will not be attracted by a magnet. I have used chinese machines before and you get what you pay for disposable tubes are the same way tell ebay, amazon, tmart to go %#@& themselves if it is a kit you want try…[Read more]

  • I personally do not like the starbrite for fill as it can be a beast to work in smooth and I also have found it does not do well near the hands I myself usually use Kuro Sumi however I have been trying out Irezumi from Technical it is bottled by Millenium Colors I love it nearly as much as my kuro in that regard if you dont care for the haze or…[Read more]

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