tirelessdrone replied to the topic Stenciling technique in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 13 years ago
Just thought I’d let you guys know I tried the spirit paper and wow, what a damn difference. They are indeed dark ass lines. And pretty resistant to being wiped off too I might add. Thanks for the tip, fellas!
tirelessdrone replied to the topic How to set up my machine in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 13 years ago
I can give you my two cents, however that’s all I have. I spent $500 on a kit 6 years ago and it was a miserable failure. I’m ashamed of some of the work I did back then, even though I’ve seen some of it recently and it aint THAT bad. Two reasons I failed so hardcore. One reason is my roomates vcr ate the instructional tape that came with the kit,…[Read more]
tirelessdrone replied to the topic Stenciling technique in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 13 years ago
Yep, stencil pencils from Superior. I was afraid someone would say the pencils suck. The spirit paper is kinda pricey, but in hindsight I guess it’s worth it. That’s what I wanted to know. Thanks a lot guys! I look forward to posting a pic of this first tat. I’m gonna get the stenciling down and hopefully lay some ink this weekend if I feel comfortable.
tirelessdrone replied to the topic Do my eyes deceive me? in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 13 years ago
First of all, rawr at your bits :mrgreen:
You can do what I’ve been doing, run a needle with only alcohol or water. Although tonight a friend came by wanting a tat bad. Once I saw what he wanted I was like I can do that! I look forward to posting pics of my first tat done with some edumacation. I have flatly refused tattooing anyone until now,…[Read more]
tirelessdrone replied to the topic Nuther scratcher in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 13 years ago
I’m going to experiment with all the needles I have. I don’t have any distilled water and I have no way to a store or anything, that’s why I used the alcohol. I need to take an art class. Even though I draw already, I’m outta practice.
tirelessdrone replied to the topic Nuther scratcher in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 13 years ago
I’m a little embarrassed by this, but that’s what being a newbie is all about, right? I didn’t notice that all the machines that cam with my kit are different. Using one of the other machines I was able to get plenty of power from it. I have a tat on my leg that I did 6 years ago or so, I didn’t shade it at all since that’s the part that was not…[Read more]
tirelessdrone replied to the topic Nuther scratcher in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 13 years ago
Yeah, that does help, thanks.
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