waitkc started the topic Best Practice for aftercare and waivers in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 4 years ago
Hello everyone!
I have been getting so much mixed information on what to recommend and what not to recommend for aftercare. I am just starting out and I’m working on aftercare sheets to give to my clients. I have a client with celiac disease and other allergies and Aquaphor seems to be the only thing she trusts. Obviously not all clients are the…[Read more] -
waitkc started the topic Disposable tubes and grips??? Autoclaves???? in the forum Where to Buy the Tattoo Safe Gear? 5 years ago
I have been searching around for disposable tips and grips for my coil machine. I already have a good supply of disposable needles and tips, but I’m realizing it’s hard to find just tubes and grips! I am still in the learning stages and have not tattooed anyone but myself yet. My kit came with metal tubes and grips, I do not have an autoclave at…[Read more]
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