• Looks good!
    I love ball point pen.
    This is a doodle I did at work…

    I did this back in ’95 using a ball point pen.

  • WildBill replied to the topic Stay Tuned!!!!!! in the forum Suggestions 12 years ago

    Good Luck with everything.

    I feel your pain bro, I’ve been there.

  • First and foremost, I’m an artist. I have been an artist for longer than most have even been alive. I was not fortunate in getting an apprenticeship.
    I started tattooing 20 years ago when there was no internet or hardly any info on how to tattoo. Back when I decided to try my hand at tattooing, I sent off for a Spaulding and Rogers catalog and…[Read more]

  • WildBill replied to the topic Stay Tuned!!!!!! in the forum Suggestions 12 years ago


    You can clean it up, ..but sadly, with this phpbb software, it will only return.

    I used to run a phpbb forum and it was a never ending battle.

    ….Until I got Vbulletin that is.

    Check my site.

  • WildBill replied to the topic Hello in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 12 years ago

    Hello backinthesaddle!
    It’s good to see someone here!
    I am just like you, I did some tattooing years ago and have just recently gotten back in to it again. I looked around and bought a 4 machine kit from PirateFace. Its not bad, but there are still a lot of other things that you will need to get besides what comes with the kit. A box of gloves,…[Read more]

  • WildBill replied to the topic Come on guys!!!! in the forum Suggestions 12 years ago

    Wow, I only joined the other day, and there is some asshole posting this inept html spam garbage!

    Do you know why?

    ‘Cause he can.

    My suggestion is get rid of this phpbb bullshit and get some real professional forum software like Vbulletin.

    I swear you will be glad you did.

    I changed my site over and haven’t had a bit of problem.
    Don’t let…[Read more]

  • WildBill replied to the topic issues with stencils in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago

    Years ago I used to use hectagraph ink and pen, and speed stick. Worked great.
    But now I use photoshop C4 and a thermal stenciling machine. Works even fantastic!
    I am reluctant to even try the hectagraph pencils, they kinda seem like they would be a pain keeping ’em sharpened.

  • WildBill replied to the topic i'm out in the forum Suggestions 12 years ago

    Hey guy’s,
    Sorry to not introduce myself in the introductions thread first, but last night when I just happened upon
    this site and was looking around, I saw this thread. I couldn’t wait to be activated so I could try to help out.

    I see that your in process of updating to a new site/software, and I sure hope you considered Vbulletin in your…[Read more]

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