tattoo-video-tutorial-script-tattooNew script tattoo video tutorial completed. Four hours start to finish video from three different cameras. PAID MEMBERS ONLY video.
(This video is being edited right now!)


tattoo stencil used in the tattoo tutorial custom script for leg tattoo


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The following video shows the stencil setup and placement for the tattoo.
You can see the actual stencil file that was used as well.

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The next video is Part 1 of the actual tattooing.
You will see there are two machines used, and it is a grey wash style tattoo meaning only black in was used with a dilution.

There is a video that shows the workstation setup for this tattoo, and you can see that video by clicking here. That video will allow you to understand the process that was used for setting up the whole workstation and prepping the pigments used in the tattoo. This is a really good tattoo to watch for a newer tattoo artist. The artist in these videos has very solid lines and very clean shading.

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The next video is Part 2 of the same script tattoo. Remember if you can't see these videos then you should ensure you are logged in!

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The next video is Part 3 of the same tattoo.

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The next video is Part 4 of the same tattoo.

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The next video is Part 5 of the same tattoo.

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The next video is Part 6 of the same tattoo.
This is the end of the tattoo, and the white highlights are added!

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  1. Tattoo Marc 9 years ago

    Can anyone run thru the different needles he used?

    • CR Jordan 9 years ago

      I have to look close again at the video, but knowing this artist. Prob 3rd Tight for outlines, and 5rnd loose for soft shade – possible a 7 mag or 14rnd loose for rest of shading. You can tell by looking at the tubes though!

  2. Josh Favella 9 years ago

    Awesome job looks amazing and I wanted to say thank u watching u that close and the pase u went really is really going to help me for being a scratcher thank and advice or tips would be greatly appreciated thanks again for taking the time to do this video

    • CR Jordan 9 years ago

      Thanks for the feedback! BEst of Luck to you

  3. Longshotlycan 9 years ago

    great work bro much appreciated surprised me with the whit thought you were done but then you gave me a twist lol two thumbs up

  4. Migo Rockstar 10 years ago

    Awesome teaching :)

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