There are a lot of preventative ways to keep bodily fluids off of
yourself, your client and your equipment using barrier control
devices also called barrier protection. Avoiding contact with
bodily fluids can be done through the means of nonporous
articles worn by the tattoo artist, as well as covering furniture,
equipment and tools.
Tattoo Barrier Control Devices – Protection
feel free to drop us a line [email protected]
Digital Tattoo Machine Power Supply
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Presently, a host of technology is available at reasonable prices that a few years ago just simply didn’t exist....
Autoclave Rules of Thumb
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The seals must be replaced on your autoclave and you must conduct preventative maintenance checks and servicing regularly on...
Lining up the Geometry
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It is important to know the geometry of your frame. The way the holes line up in relation to...
Frame for each job?
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A lot of artists will use different machine frames for different purposes. Typically a machine frame is made of...
What metal is best?
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Different metals have not only different resistance to electrical current, but different weights as well. Some artists will prefer...
More or Less Needles?
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A good rule of thumb is that the more needles you have (up to a certain point), the easier...
Spotty shading?
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To avoid needle or spotty marks in the tattoo while doing grey work it is important to use a...
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