The key thing to know about chemicals is that not all are approved
for use with your instruments that will come in contact
with the skin, and some may cause some serious damage to
your expensive professional equipment. Always read the directions
and do not skimp on the ratios. Seek advice from your
local health department and or a medical professional.
What is important to know about Chemicals is…
feel free to drop us a line [email protected]
Chemicals can DESTROY your stuff!
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There can also be some complications when using chemicals to clean your equipment. Leather armrests and furniture can be...
Lining with Magnum
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Round liner groupings are not the only groupings that are required for tattooing outlines. It is possible to outline...
Lining to a point
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Tips and corners of shapes in a tattoo, especially when doing tribal style pieces, should be attacked in a...
Do I really need to get laser treatments before I get tattooed?
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Countless clients have come to me wanting to get a cover-up done. This goes back to ensuring that you...
Coil wraps..
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Typical tattoo machines will use ten wrap coils. This is actually very vague because you do not know the...
Petroleum Jelly
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You may have noticed that some artists will use a light coat of petroleum jelly on the tattoo after...
Metals and machine function – magnetism
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I have not done extensive testing on tattoo machine metallurgy to measure resistance and magnetic field changes, nor would...
Tattoo Machines and Electricity
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