CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo help, questions from a real person just trying to figure out rotary tattoo guns 3 years ago
The needle should gently slide in, you may be using too much pressure. You should not press hard. Have you been tattooed before? You need to get a lot of tattoos, in places where you can WATCH how the artist does
CR Jordan commented on the post, Needle Bar 3 years ago
“Back in the day” there was no AMAZON or Google – so we got to re-use and sterilize. This is kind of like when you got to the dentist. They re-use tools all the time.
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo Portrait Training 3 years ago
It really depends on the type of machine you have, and how the springs are setup. I can run a liner w/ the same voltage as a shader when I am tattooing – if the Machines are setup to do so. There is NO magic
CR Jordan replied to the topic Best Practice for aftercare and waivers in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 4 years ago
I have always liked A&D.
I also like those clear tattoo wraps for 1st day of aftercare. -
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo Portrait Training 4 years ago
Power box (Power Supply) voltage depends. Some people like to line w/ higher voltage, some like lower.
It really is not a set number.
It also depends on your tattoo machine, how it is tuned, what kind of springs -
CR Jordan commented on the post, Video Tutorial: Rose Tattoo Tutorial 5 years ago
Looks like the videos are back online!
let me know if you don’t see them! -
CR Jordan wrote a new post 5 years ago
We are working the “video not found” issue. Apparently Vimeo canceled our video hosting over the holiday break. We are working to recover the account. If we don’t recover the account, we will be forced to
CR Jordan commented on the post, Video Tutorial: Rose Tattoo Tutorial 5 years ago
I apologize, the videos are offline right now – as we are trying to correct some issues w/ VIMEO video player. hang in there guys!
CR Jordan commented on the post, Video Tutorial: Rose Tattoo Tutorial 5 years ago
What needs explaining? Did you have a specific tattoo question?
CR Jordan replied to the topic apprenticeship test in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 6 years ago
I would include pictures of different styles. Original flash. And stuff that shows breadth. Paintings, photography, sculpture. And if you have tattooed yourself that would be useful.
CR Jordan commented on the post, Less wraps / more wraps? Coils 6 years ago
Your comment has been approved, but since you have a FREE account: PLEASE NO SPAMMING.
Thanks! -
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo Machine Troubleshooting 6 years ago
Check out Chapter 3 in Basic Fundamentals book.
Or Welcome TATTOO DVD – shows setup.
Clip cord goes into the back top and bottom.
Please ask a specific question. -
CR Jordan commented on the post, Video Tutorial: Black and Grey Dracula Tattoo 6 years ago
Hildbrandt, superior, pirate face, world wide, unimax
A kit is a kit. Just buy a cheap tattoo kit to start.
CR Jordan posted an update 7 years ago
NEW THINGS are coming to this website… thank you all for the kind words. And thank you for taking time to register and chat w/ each other. I hope this website has been a valuable resource for you.
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo help, questions from a real person just trying to figure out rotary tattoo guns 7 years ago
Let me know if you have a question!
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo help, questions from a real person just trying to figure out rotary tattoo guns 7 years ago
I would say that when ink pours out of the tube too fast it is due to insecure needles against tube, or inprpee dragging of needle while using. But your mentor at the shop needs observe you tattooing.
CR Jordan commented on the post, Tattoo Portrait Training 8 years ago
It is very subjective. When tattooing with a rotary. All rotaries are different, and all artists are different. It would be like saying, how fast should I run when I am breaking in a new pair of shoes.
What style -
CR Jordan commented on the post, TeachMeToTattoo Version 4.0 8 years ago
Glad to hear your tattoo journey was helped with TeachMeToTattoo.com and Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo the book. Let me know if you have tattoo related questions.
Ask them in the FORUM, but you can ping me -
CR Jordan commented on the post, Video Tutorial: Workstation Setup 8 years ago
Good to hear!
CR Jordan replied to the topic learning to tattoo on self in the forum Post your work here 8 years ago
Unable to see the picture, says ACT is private.
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